Saturday 26 July 2014

When I am gone

When I am gone
Beyond the reach of any call
Place not my dear friends
Your tears nor the wreath
On my tomb.
For in one place
I may not be
When the encased casing is dumped
What else can contain this new found freedom?
Your words and your laughters
Along with the tears and sorrow
Bury them within me and miss me not
Not even a single moment
For subtler than wind is what I am.
The roads I traveled and the places I visited
As history shall all remain in the minds of many
Yet memories do not breath much energy 
Within your mind place me in silence
Because that alone will speak of this beauty
The beauty of this friendship.
I may have not been a friend to many
Though I may have remained one to meet their needs
And perhaps my needs as well
A true friendship is seamlessly unconditional 
And what to say of expectation?
Yet in promise I will remain a true friend
Carving images of peace and solace in each one's heart
And when I am gone, reveries won't bring back anything
Live on live on live on my friends
Memories too will come to a stand
When the heart wallows in pretence.
Live on my friends
When I am gone I know I will still exist
In the love of many.
©bhasvantraz 27July2014.   


  1. This is a beautiful and heart-felt poem. You have a wonderful way with words.

  2. wow. beautifully written!

    thank you for stopping in today and leaving a comment. blessings wished to you.

  3. Thank You for visiting my blog today... Come back anytime. Your poems are EXCELLENT... You have a special way with words... Thanks again for sharing.

    1. Hi Betsy..I have been following your blog for sometime...quite interesting one. Thank you for the comment.
